Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Billy the Monster

Good morning readers :) I am fairly bored right now so I decided I would write something for you to enjoy! Today I have decided I am going to tell you a story :)
Once upon a time in a land far far away lived a hideous green monster named Billy. Billy was an ugly little "thing" and no one really liked him :( Poor poor Billy your thinking, correct?
Well, Billy is an example of how good things happen to good people. Even though Billy was always being teased and excluded from the other monsters activities, he still had a kind heart. Whenever someone was in need Billy was there to help them, and whenever someone was hurt, Billy was there with a popsicle to make them feel better :) A watermelon flavoured popsicle...yummy!
Billy was one of those monsters that didn't care what people said to him, or about him, or around him, he just enjoyed life. Until one day...
This youngster of a monster, was walking down Dino Lane, and out jumped the Big Bad Brontosauruses! They pinned poor Billy to the wall and stole his lunch money. I mean what kind of monsters do that sort of thing?!
Anyways, Billy had to walk home, moneyless, and in tears. "Why oh why do kids treat me this way!" he cried.
The next day at school, Billy didn't say one word to anyone. When his teachers asked him what was wrong, he didn't reply, when his only friend Martin asked him what was wrong, he didn't reply. Poor poor Billy, all alone in Dino Land!
This routine went on for weeks, he never said a word to anyone, until one amazing morning. Billy woke up to the sound of a crash outside, as he walked outside to see what was going on a fairy flew into him. "I am your fairy godmother, Billy-saur" she said. "I am here to grant you 3 wishes." "MY FIRST WISH IS TO BE HANDSOME, MY SECOND WISH IS FOR KIDS TO BE NICE TO ME AND FOR MY THIRD WISH I WISH I HAD 1 MILLION DINO-DOLLARS." "Granted," his fairy godmother said.
That day at school all the girl monsters were checking Billy out, all the boy monsters were asking Billy to hang with them, and at lunch, he had 10 extra Dino-dollars to spend.
Billy was living the life :)


Judy said...


Judy said...


Mickey Roonie said...

Oh my hehe -blushes-

Trisha-Anne said...

heyy, i hope you are ok...you can always come to my house :P. I hope it will all turn well you have an awesome blog!!! I LOVE THE STORY!!

o.O said...

Lmao, what a random story.

Trisha-Anne said...

I read the story again and I love it EVEN more LOL