Imitationalism and Literal Qualities
This beautiful painting catches your eye because of its variety of blues. The picture really flows like the actual water in a sea, moving fiercely in the wind. The boat itself has an intense feeling in it because of the darkened sky. You can see that there might be a storm coming, or has already occurred, and that the boat could possibly be struggling to continue with its journey. The waves are very life like, you can see the peeks of each wave. The highs and lows of the water are very vivid and the boat has its certain amount of detail, just enough to make it realistic.
Emotionalism and Expressive Qualities
When studying this painting, it almost gives me an erie feeling, as if something bad is about to happen. "Sloop, Nassau", is definitely not meant to be seen as a happy painting. The mood is very dark and dull, therefore the colours are dark. This painting, in a way, makes me sad. When you look at, don't you feel as if the sailors of the boat might be stranded, or lost?
Formalism and Design Qualities
This painting looks like its whole. The colours are emphasized to make them look darker and bolder than others, to help bring out the feeling in the picture. There are a variety of lines, making your eyes follow them, to help you see the whole painting and not just one detail. "Sloop, Nassau", obviously is not a still painting, the waves are moving, the sky is drifting and the boat is in motion. Your eyes are to follow the colours, the shades, the lines, every little detail, so that you see it all.